When you picture of a Catholic Saint, you probably think of a meek and frail figure. But these 7 saints were some of the toughest people to ever walk the face of the Earth who’s badassery was only eclipsed by their holiness.
In this episode we’ll cover:
- The Saint who hired a prostitute every night
- The 70-year old warrior saint
- The most unlikely war hero of all time
- The saint who would likely be an MMA champ in today’s world
- The saint who live for 38 years in the oddest place
- The saint who gave the most defiant answer ever when being tortured
- The female saint who led a guerrilla army against persecution

Can’t wait for this! Can it be Tuesday yet?
Waste of time
This is ridiculous!!!!!! My husband and I watched it and I even shared it before listening, I am sorry I wasted my time and I will tell all the people with whom I shared it, NOT to waste their time.
So, you may think BadAss is cute. It is for hearing it 1,2 or 3 times. They must have said it 50 times. It was ridiculous. It took the umph right out of the title/topic. How many more times could they have said it?!?!
I am NOT offended by the term badass but it’s as if these guys were enamored with it.
It was a stupid episode. I truly though I’d learn something but between all the “badasses”, I got tired and zoned out.
I wonder if that priest would use that same language during the Liturgy. This is trying way too hard to be humorous and edifying. Don’t waste your time here if you’re seeking holiness with a formed conscience.
Thank you Ryan, Ryan, and Father Rich for this episode and your entire Catholic Talk Show! I was in a terribly depressed state today, lacking energy and motivation, and after praying a little, I was able to get up to my feet. Then the first thing I did was watch your show, which I receive by email. This episode on the seven badass saints got me laughing out loud and lifted my mood immensely!
Though I’m really not the type to enjoy bathroom jokes, sexual innuendos, or unrefined language, something in the comradery, innocence, lightheartedness, spontenaity, earthiness, and human authenticity of your conversation, combined with your clearly genuine faith and commitment to a life in and for Christ and His Church, made your show truly humorous and uplifting. Even the discussions on saintly poop and badass behavior had their place in showing the funny side of hierography (sacred narratives), thus making them more accessible and less otherworldly.
To sum up, if I want to hear a serious lecture or read an article on Catholic history, theology, liturgy, politics, or spiritual wisdom, I have plenty of good websites to go to, like http://www.stjosemaria.org or http://www.catholicculture.org. But if I want to view an entertaining show where Catholic values are conveyed through unsophisticated yet informative, down-to-earth yet uplifting, humor-filled yet faith-nurturing conversation, then the Catholic Talk Show is my show of choice. Thank you again, Ryan, Ryan, and Fr. Rich! And God bless you and your ministries!
I would like it if you could list the names of these Saints. I having trouble understanding all of their names.
And where did you get the Bobble Heads?
Enjoyed this. Until the podcast stopped half way thru. Love your humor but jokes about St. Styes(?up on a pole for years) were too many. Brevity.
Thank you Ryan, Ryan, and Father Rich for this episode and your entire Catholic Talk Show! I was in a terribly depressed state today, lacking energy and motivation, and after praying a little, I was able to get up to my feet. Then the first thing I did was watch your show, which I receive by email. This episode on the seven badass saints got me laughing out loud and lifted my mood immensely!
Though I’m really not the type to enjoy bathroom jokes, sexual innuendos, or unrefined language, something in the comradery, innocence, lightheartedness, sponteneity, earthiness, and human authenticity of your conversation, combined with your clearly genuine faith and commitment to a life in and for Christ and His Church, made your show truly humorous and uplifting. Even the discussions on saintly poop and badass behavior had their place in showing the funny side of hierography (sacred narratives), thus making them more accessible and less otherworldly.
To sum up, if I want to hear a serious lecture or read an article on Catholic history, theology, liturgy, politics, or spiritual wisdom, I have plenty of good websites to go to, like http://www.stjosemaria.org or http://www.catholicculture.org. But if I want to view an entertaining show where Catholic values are conveyed through unsophisticated yet informative, down-to-earth yet uplifting, humor-filled yet faith-nurturing conversation, then the Catholic Talk Show is my show of choice. Thank you again, Ryan, Ryan, and Fr. Rich! And God bless you and your ministries!
Thank you Ryan, Ryan, and Father Rich for this episode and your entire Catholic Talk Show! I was in a terribly depressed state today, lacking energy and motivation, and after praying a little, I was able to get up to my feet. Then the first thing I did was watch your show, which I receive by email. This episode on the seven badass saints got me laughing out loud and lifted my mood immensely!
Though I’m really not the type to enjoy bathroom jokes, sexual innuendos, or unrefined language, something in the comradery, innocence, lightheartedness, spontaneity, earthiness, and human authenticity of your conversation, combined with your clearly genuine faith and commitment to a life in and for Christ and His Church, made your show truly humorous and uplifting. Even the discussions on saintly poop and badass behavior had their place in showing the funny side of hierography (sacred narratives), thus making them more accessible and less otherworldly.
I was looking forward to listening/watching, but it was a huge disappointment. The conversation reminded me of something I would have heard from a group of 7th grade boys. I concur with previous statements, you could have used the word “badass” a couple times and it wouldn’t have been so offensive. After a while, it just came off stupid. The use of other street words were unnecessary. What could have easily been an educational/entertaining program ended up being an immature dialogue about “poop”. Seriously?
I’ve watched about four episodes of this program and am hooked. I realized this is a group of guys (forget titles) me included, BSing about our Catholic world. I don’t always agree with everything that is said, but never doubt the sincerity or accuracy. Thanks for including me guys and the next round is on me. Sure, this show is not for everybody. It is not for those whose holiness forbids laughter, jocularity, silliness and and occasional near profanity. It truly is a BS session with a published agenda. It has brought me back into thinking about my faith, thinking about my Catholicism and wishing I could be more a part of the discussion. To those whose views of being a Catholic requires a stodginess, and sober discussion, this is not for you. I’m glad I found this show, or that perhaps it found me.
It’s okay to be badass. It’s actually required in these times. God bless we badasses, and forgive those, Lord, for impulsively casting judgment, as rather than retaliate self righteously, I give this to you. Amen.
I would have liked more info on the Saints than all the joking that went on. If you can’t fill the time with good information, instead of joking around, maybe you shouldn’t have a podcast. There was just a lot of unnecessary noise making that was irritating.
My first time watching. I think the show did what you had wanted it to, altho, more detailed info of the Saints would have been good. My big question is what made the “pole-sitter” a saint? I remember the story from grade school, but never could figure what made hIm a saint. Yes, he prayed 30 years, but he was selfish in wanting to be alone, took food from those who were poor themselves, no works of mercy, and what about the talents God gave him? Talent to sit/live on a pillar? Yes, there was stamina, but we also have and had religious who are cloistered, and pray, but they serve mankind wi gardens and other dealings with mankind. What am I missing in His example???? thanks
Enjoyed the show. The bathroom part was funny-something that I would have honed in on for a few secs..how did he “go”, how did he bathe or wash clothes, brush his teeth, etc..lots of silly questions with no answers. The show was quite interesting- thanks!
Your point being,,,,,those who give up a “”””regular life”””””” for God’s sake !!!!!!!!!! I am SO in favor
of “””””badass”””””” Saints !!!!!!!!! We need MORE,,,,,,courageous layman,,,,,,,ALWAYS!!!!!!!
What I enjoyed MOST,,,,Father,,,,,is going to mass ,,,show up for God and your neighbor!!!!!!!!!
Wouldn’t that be LOVELY!!!!!!!!
If we ALL showed up for our NEIGHBOR,,,,,,,,we would not need any,,,,,””””””””badass”””””””” !!!!!!!!!
I can’t believe you didn’t include St. Olga of Kiev in your list of badass saints!
As a Protestant, I love listening to the Catholic Talk Show as a fun, informative, down to earth way of learning about Catholicism. I hope you never stop making episodes.