In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss little known facts about the foster-father of Our Lord, Saint Joseph. You’ll learn how Saint Joseph met the Virgin Mary, why he is known as the Terror of Demons, the end-times prophecy of how his body will be discovered, and much more!
In this episode you’ll learn:
• How did Saint Joseph Meet Mary?
• Was Saint Joseph and old-widower or a young virgin?
• Why are no words of Saint Joseph recorded in the Bible?
• Where is Saint Joseph buried, or was he assumed into Heaven?
• Why are demons terrified of Saint Joseph?
• And much more!

Hey just saying hi from Costa Rica, I try to hear at least two or three of you programs but week.. need to catch up!!! you really “rock” with our God topics, is very entertaining, funny and you always learned new “things”. Wish you the best, blessings.
i understand/bel. only St. Joseph/ mother Mary (Jesus parents) never ever tempted by evil-satan so it fears/trembles at them.
I have been growing closer to St. Joseph with out being able to decern why, and this program has explained it. thank you.
Hello, I love your guys show but was wondering if there is a problem with your posting new shows. I have both Spotify and Google play music and don’t see the latest podcast on either. Thanks have a good one and keep doing good work.
I’m in a very uncertain situation with my Land Contract. I will have paid the agreed upon dollar amount come next month however the contract was sold out from under me to another contract holder & now he’s telling me that I owe close to the ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT.
I’m living on disability and cannot afford to keep paying him or retain a lawyer so I’ve begun prayer devotionals and buried a figurine of St. Joseph in my backyard in hopes of His interceding in my situation; not to sell the house but to retain it as my own.
You guys should talk one day about Mary Magdalene and her connections to the scrolls found.
Greetings Father/and Dads:
St. Joseph needed a good PR campaign manager, and still does. He may be the great defender of the Church and the terror of demons due to his humility as Ryan D. pointed out, but how often does he get the attention he deserves? I always wanted to learn more about his relationship with Mary and his relationship as Step Dad to Jesus. Did God the father leave the entire job up to Joseph or were there instructions given? Did Jesus have TWO dads who worked synchronously together to raise the son of God?
At 12 when Jesus went about his father’s business in the temple Mary and Joseph had no clue as to where he disappeared to during the Festival of Booths. It was as if he didn’t answer to them so he just up and went about his Father’s business. Sign of teen rebellion years to come? Was he showing Mary and Joseph he only answered to God? What was Jesus like as a teenager?
God bless your grandfather Fr. Rich, he sounds like a very special loving man. Fatherhood is all about sacrifice just like motherhood and since it is all done out of love there really is not much sacrifice involved when you think of it. Or, it is all willing sacrifice I should say. Priesthood is the same and can be a parallel. Fr. Rich so glad to hear you were blessed with so many father images as boys need this particular love, support and guidance.
Yes, I agree with all of you, you guys are great talkers like myself, and I can fully believe there are no recorded words of St. Joseph in the Bible. He wasn’t a talker evidently as I didn’t remember ever reading any words of his and Ryan S. confirmed that he is not quoted within. Amazing. Sometimes when I was younger I wondered if he were a wimp as in not head of his household.
He is a busy patron saint from the list Ryan S. read! I will have to look up the list again as it is amazing. I agree with you Fr. Pagano about not burying St. Joseph upside down in order to sell a house! I have a friend who did this and a niece who did this, and guess what, their houses did NOT sell. One is still on the market at the end of the selling season. St. Joseph must have been waiting to be put in a place of honor as Fr. Rich proposes. I wonder when/where this urban religious legend started.
Ryan S. you are right, most art has him as an elderly man and just a few I have seen has him young and virile. Having him as an old man with the Blessed Mother always bothered me. Ryan S. how do you know he was only about 24 or 28? Or that he was a virgin who died a virgin? I think you mentioned this was the St. Thomas Aquinas school of thought but was it just his personal opinion or based upon anything he read in the Bible or sacred scrolls? Where did the other school of thought come from? So much appears to be just speculation. Even as far as Joseph and Mary having an arranged marriage. I will have to check out James on this as that is the reference Ryan S. gave us.
Yes he did have a great dating bio, guys – LOL. Especially if he was a young, strapping guy.
Yes, since Joseph is not at the foot of the cross yet John Zebedee is there supporting Mary we can all safely assume that he had died. I had never heard he was the patron saint of happy deaths. He certainly deserved one. I guess he didn’t want a chariot or to float up to Heaven on a cloud. Interesting question about where St. Joseph is buried! I never heard anyone ask that question before. I am leaning toward the school of thought that he was assumed to Heaven just like Mary. That seems fair and just for all his years of service to God and his Son.
I often wondered why other apostles do not have their last names listed in the gospels like John and James Zebedee do? Their full names must have been known as well unless it was mostly a tradition to be a David of Bethlehem or a Jesus of Nazareth. Come to think of it Joseph has no last name as the name Jesus Christ was given to Jesus and Mary’s last name, marriage or otherwise, is not given. I mean there could have been many Simons living in the same town or Peters, etc.
Mary is a Levite if she is descended from Aaron or God’s priests, which I think I read in the Bible, but that doesn’t mean to say she wasn’t a descendent of David on the other family tree branch. I wish they had discovered scrolls that declared their lineage.
If additional gospels are found during archeological excavations ongoing now or happening in the future will the Bible be updated accordingly?
Although I am months late since I am a new fan I will still wish you three a Happy Father’s Day! Hopefully you enjoyed the day back then.