10 Things You Didn’t Know About St. Paul The Apostle

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys talk about the life of Saint Paul and share things you didn’t know about The Apostle.

Episode 127:
In this episode, we will discuss:
• Who was Saul of Tarsus?
• Where and how far did St. Paul travel?
• What percentage of the Bible did St. Paul write?
• How was Saint Paul martyred?
• Where are St. Paul’s bones?
• and much more

Show Notes:

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13 comments on 10 Things You Didn’t Know About St. Paul The Apostle

  1. Andrea says:

    Hi guys,
    Excellent idea for a podcast and I hear you Ryan, it is like St. Paul wrote most of the First Testament. My favorite book of the New Testament is the Acts. St. Paul was most definitely an all in enthusiastic convert. He heard the voice of God and responded by dedicating his whole life to bringing the Gentiles to Jesus or the Church.

    The unbelievable courage of the apostles out there preaching the testimony of Jesus is remarkable. How do you explain God, the Father and His existence? Preaching about Jesus who came down in the flesh and performed His miracles in front of multitudes of witnesses must have been easier to accomplish as opposed to the task that the OT priests and prophets faced trying to explain the concept of God. The miracles of an invisible force outside nature. God, the father of us all. Jesus is visible but God is not. Why? That would have to be a question asked.

    When I was a kid I always liked the story of his conversion and the actual lightning bolt that came down literally shocking him. I like tales of redemption. Tales of happy endings and the ultimate happy ending of being with Jesus and the saints.

    I am with you Ryan Dellacrosse as far as detachment from the news which brings us a great deal of stress. I limit my intake as it is not good for my mental health or my soul.

    Fr. Pagano how true we are constantly in a state of discernment. We spend our conscious moments either strengthening our faith or facing down our doubts. I often have to step back and ask myself over and over what do I believe. I even get foolish about it. I believe in Guardian Angels because I have been helped numerous times throughout my lifetime when no-one else was there and this is my proof. So, if I believe fervently in Guardian Angels which means of course that I have to first believe in God and Jesus! I don’t know how often I had to make that argument to myself whenever doubts creeped in. Most days, however, I feel the Presence of God inside and all around me. Thankfully! I talk to God a lot during the course of a day and start my day with prayer time including the Rosary and the Divine Chaplet.

    I have also been very much blessed as God has been there for me when I needed His help and only His help to save me. He has never denied me His mercy or His grace. Yet I am a sinner.

    Speaking of blessings guys, I consider all three of you blessings in my life. You came along when I needed you and your podcasts are always enlightening. We are all ministers of the faith in our lives and our interactions with others.

    Take care and may God bless us all,

  2. Kathleen O’Rourke says:

    Hey guys,
    LOVE the show! But, I have to ask, who is the bubble head dressed as a referee?
    Very deep and profound question, I know.😆

    1. That is the Gorton’s Fisherman in honor of our producer Howard! You can see him here: https://www.facebook.com/713695052295753/videos/189879109497332

  3. A most amazing episode gentleman father Rich.May God bless us all,thank you for all you do Catholic talk show. it’s is truly appreciated

  4. John Francis says:

    I are a Lector. Lol and yes some of the readings I shake my head and smile.
    Then pray and practice.

    1. jim S says:

      Praying for you and us all, may we view everything as God looks upon them, not as we, lowly people, would see them.

      1. Paty says:

        I love listening about St. Paul! Thank you for this wonderful talk. The epistles are a revelation of The Lord’s love for us. It was very insightful and thoughtful.
        I must complain about a comment made by Del La Cross. “When I feel like pussy….” please watch what you say when you are reflecting on the Lord’s word. This was so offensive for many reasons, which I will not disclose here. I worry about whose whose faith is fickle and listen to us (Christians) speak like that.
        Thank you and God bless you all for the work you do.

  5. jim S says:

    Praying for you and us all, may we view everything as God looks upon them, not as we, lowly people, would see them.

  6. Chris Kersting says:

    Big fan. Great discussion in St. Paul. Especially Ryan Scheel’s insight on the Desert Fathers. But Ryan use better vocabulary. How did the producer let the word ‘p—-y’ get through the final edit? Be vigilant. Devil unchained as you said.

  7. Peggy Bliujus says:

    Did anyone else notice that the Jesus on the table is moving his head? None of the others are moving. It looks like Jesus is afirming your talk.

  8. Kathleen Yates says:

    Hello Fr. Rich, Ryan and Ryan, I am a new subscriber to your show on spotify. I listen to your podcasts on my home commute in Maryland. I first found you when you interviewed Kevin Wells on his first book, “The Priests we Need to Save the Church.” The same person sent me the link when Kevin had another interview with his Priest and Beggar Book on Msgr. Aloysius Schwartz. I was also sent the link when Fr. Dan Leary showed up to talk about Fr. Al. Then, I finally decided to seek your prior episodes. This St. Paul episode was by far one of the best I’ve heard so far. So much catechesis within the episode! Can you provide any books or resources you may recommend on St. Paul? I have had 3 priests within a few weeks mention in their daily homilies that we meaning I, should get to know St. Paul. Then soon after, I saw this podcast on St. Paul. Who knew the Holy Spirit would lead me this way! Any advice would be gratefully received.

  9. Paul gayeff says:

    Did anyone introduce St Paul to a comma

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