In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys talk about great movies that every Catholic should watch.
- The Passion of The Christ
- Nacho Libre
- Molokai: The Story of Father Damien
- For Greater Glory
- Unplanned
- Silence
- Romero
- Doubt
- The Song of Bernadette
- The Rite
- The Scarlet and the Black
- A Man For All Seasons

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You should have added the “Mission” a Jesuit that was produced in the 1980s.
Great show, thanks for the list of movies I’m going to check some of them out!
Have any of you seen the movie, CALVARY with Liam Neeson. It was riveting. You need to watch it. I also agree that the MISSION should be on the list.
I always love the movie Father in Sun sister in Moon…saint Francis of Asisi’s life story…
There’s a great movie I watched on Augustine Institute’s app called Formed. The name of the movie is “San Giuseppe Moscati” about a Saint from Naples. It has English subtitles. Long movie about 3 hours which I watched in segments but very well worth the time. Such a beautiful story about a beautiful soul.
I forgot to mention in my previous post thank you for all the movies you mentioned. Will try and watch. Great show but all your shows are very entertaining and informative.
Christian Bale, ‘Mary Mother of Jesus’ (1999)
Thanks so much for the list of movies! I intend to see them! I’ve seen “Doubt” – an excellent movie. Of course the Passion of the Christ is #1. Bawled in the theater when it first came out, and now always have a box of tissues by my side when I watch it. The scene you spoke of when Mary reflects back to Him as a child gets me every tine. Thanks for spreading the word in your way!
I enjoy your discussions. My favorite Catholic movie is ” Becket”. So well done, with Richard Burton, and Peter O’ Tule
What Beckett didn’t make the list?
I would vote for “Karol: A Man Who Became Pope,” the 2005 TV miniseries that is on DVD, which documents the life of St. Pope John Paul II from 1939 when he was 19 to the Papal Conclave in 1978. The actors and actresses are Polish, Italian and German and together, they give a compelling, faithful dimension to the entire movie.
Love your show! There is a movie called “Risen” with Joseph Fiennes, I don’t know if it’s Catholic, but it’s about the events following Christ’s death and Resurrection. Thank you for all the movie recommendations. God Bless!
sí. es muy buena
Don’t sleep on “A Quiet Place” with Emily Blunt.
Avengers: Endgame should have been on the list
Great show! How about Paul , Apostle of Christ.
Hi guys,
Liz, who commented above, I agree with totally as I too would vote for everyone to see “Karol: A Man Who Became Pope,” the 2005 TV miniseries about Pope St. John Paul II. It was well done and riveting, and so wasn’t Schindler’s List another movie/documentary off the list. I would also add The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. I have seen the Shoes of the Fisherman which is another excellent older film. There were many classic films made in the 50’s and 60’s about biblical stories but only some of them were actually done well. Others were sadly lame and not worth the effort. They could have called in their acting.
What almost all these movies have in common is how bloodthirsty mankind is yet Jesus suffered untold agony to die for us and our sins. Our suffering is from man’s inhumanity to man. This is suffering that need not ever happen and most of it is done out of hate or just plain evil.
I have never seen the Passion of Christ as I don’t know if I could get through those realistic death scenes. I know otherwise it is beautiful and moving. I definitely want to laugh and be uplifted by watching Nacho Libre. You guys are so enthusiastic about it and I like Jack Black. He was great in The Holiday.
Thank you for a list of MUST SEE Catholic films, and an entertaining podcast. I have only seen 4 out of the 12 listed and I am a movie lover too.
Take care and TTFN
The Miracle of the Bells!